
Wild Rose 🥀

I went to the zoo! It doesn’t quite look like it from the background and that’s why this image goes first. Moving on…

What better way to be natural than to wear your natural hair while visiting animals in their almost-natural habitat, amirite? I picked this ribbed wild rose colored crop top from Charolotte Russe to add just a tad of color into my closet since I’ve been know to have a pretty neutral toned wardrobe–lots of blacks, beiges, whites, and greys over here. Not to mention, we are nearing the summer months so what better time to experiment with color than now. I am nevertheless quite in love with the crop top trend that’s still going on pretty strong in 2017 if I do say so myself. Hopefully the fashion gods don’t take this trend away too soon since I’ve grown quite attached to it, if I do say so myself. I paired this laid back top with a light blue distressed skinny jean I bought from -wait for it- eBay. Yes… eBay, oddly enough, this has grown to be one of my favorite pairs of jeans, distressed and all. I sworn off the idea of worn out jeans when I was younger. The thought of buying jeans that looked like they’ve been drugged through a dirt road and worn and passed down from generation to generation didn’t quite intrigue me. “Who would waste money on a pair of purposely ruined jeans when you can just diy it?” I thought. But after I was gifted a pair, I have to admit: I couldn’t resist. Would I devote my entire wardrobe to them? Eh probably not *shrugs*. As for accessories, I thought a simple brown sandal and set of brown earrings would suffice– nothing too crazy, and nothing too over the top for this laid back look. We are going to the zoo afterall.